Permission Control

One can pass available permissions with whitelist and blacklist values when starting a socks and ssh server. The format for each rule is as follows: [actions]:[hosts]:[ports].

[actions] are comma-separted list of allowed actions: rtcp, rudp, tcp, udp. can be * to encompass all actions.

[hosts] are comma-separated list of allowed hosts that one can bind on (in case of rtcp and rudp), or forward to (incase of tcp and udp). hosts support globs, like * can be * to encompass all hosts.

[ports] are comma-separated list of ports that one can bind to (in case of rtcp and rudp), or forward to (incase of tcp and udp), can be * to encompass all ports.

Multiple permissions can be passed if seperated with +:

rtcp,rudp:localhost,,8000-9000+udp:, (allow for reverse tcp and udp binding on localhost and on ports 2222 and 8000-9000 port range, plus allow for udp forwarding to and on port 53)

SSH remote port forwarding can only bind on

gost -L=forward+ssh://localhost:8389?whitelist=rtcp:

SOCKS5 TCP/UDP remote port forwarding can only bind on ports greater than 1000

gost -L=socks://localhost:8389?blacklist=rtcp,rudp:*:0-1000

SOCKS5 UDP forwading can only forward to

gost -L=socks://localhost:8389?whitelist=udp: